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Las Vegas: America's Fattest City

Posted on Sunday, February 10, 2008 at 04:50PM by Registered CommenterPennino Corp. CEO | CommentsPost a Comment | References2 References
Not a very glamorous title for Las Vegas: Nation's fattest city
Apparently, what happens in Vegas truly does stay in Vegas — especially right at the waistline.

Sin City was named America's Fattest City, an annual dubious honor Men's Fitness magazine bestows upon the nation's most overweight city. On the flip side, Colorado Springs earned the title of America's Fittest City in the issue, which hits newsstands today.

Though Las Vegas, the land of excess and endless buffets, finds itself atop the fattest list for the second straight year, the proud state of Texas also has been shamed: It has six cities on the list of the top 10 fattest.

With two-thirds of adult Americans overweight or obese, all cities — not just the ones named in the list — face the challenge of keeping fit, says John Foreyt, an obesity expert at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, which placed 10th on the fattest list.

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